Spring Fling

Spring Fling

Join us at 10 am on 4/5 for a celebration of spring in the Piney Spring Green! There will be food and games for kids, plus an egg hunt.

Prior to the hunt, join us at 4 pm on 3/29 to stuff eggs at 1408 Buchanan. Donations for candy accepted up until 3/28 (individually wrapped pieces, please).

SSNA General Meeting

SSNA General Meeting

Please join us for our second SSNA General Meeting of 2025 from 6-8 pm at Simpson-Hamline UMC Church as we share updates on the neighborhood. Use the entrance on Allison Street.

Taco dinner with be provided. Please bring a beverage, side, or dessert to share if you are able. Children are welcome and activities will be available for them during the meeting.