• Washington DC
  • USA

The 16th Street Neighborhood Association will be holding its annual meeting to elect officers for 2022.  It is important that members attend so that we have a quorum.  The meeting should be brief as the agenda will be only the election and a discussion of what activities members would like to see the SSNA engaged in 2022.

Join Zoom Meeting Tuesday December 7 at 7:00 P.M.
Meeting ID: 820 2461 8062
Passcode: 896004
Or dial in: 1 301 715 8592

So far we have one candidate for each of the 5 positions on the Executive Board.  See position descriptions attached below.  

The current candidates for 2022 are:

Chair:                    Alberto Rivera

Vice-Chair:          Alex Dodds

Treasurer:           Dot Walker

Secretary:            Cecelia Waldek

Non-Officer Rep: Louis Eby.